Prioritizing Relationships

Who do you choose to talk to when you don’t see anyone anymore?

When you don’t see anyone anymore, how do you choose whom to talk to?

My friend Jose gave me a simple solution. Create a list, starting with the people in your life who’s mere presene made your day better. This can be friends, family, coworkers, anyone really.

Once you have a few names down, start making some calls and shooting text messages to those people. Take the next few days to rekindle these connections.

Once you’ve made your way through the list, begin adding more names. Who are the people you may not have seen as often, but were a joy when you did have them in your life.

In the age of social distancing, it can be easy to forget our friends and family that we don’t see anymore. I’ve found this process to be an effective way for me to maintain those relationships. It’s helped me stay in contact with friends and family that I haven’t seen in months, and for that I am forever grateful.

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