Right Now I'm...

Hey there! My name is Sebastian, and I’m a Data Engineer incredibly interested in tech, startups, philosophy, and leadership. This page includes some the most recent habits, activities, tv shows, books, and whatever else I’m doing.

I am currently in Tempe, Arizona, studying at the Arizona State University. I am majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies, with concentrations in Symbolic, Linguistic, and Cognitive Systems, and Psychology.

Table of Contents

  1. Books I’m reading…
  2. Podcasts I’m Listening to…
  3. Habits I’m doing…
  4. Foods I’m eating…
  5. Starbucks Order I’m getting…

Books I’m reading…

Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut: One of my most favorite fiction books. Kurt Vonnegut’s prose are incredible, the characters and their motivations are captivating, and this book in particular is one of Vonnegut’s most thought provoking. This is my 3rd reread of this novel.

The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron: A self help book for becoming more creative. I have been really enjoying this book and it’s recommended activities for being more creative. I’ve already incorporated the idea of morning pages, writing 3 pages of anything every morning, into my daily routine. I wish I could spend more time reading this book, but time is a little packed recently for me.

Audiobook: Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand: I’ve been trying to get through Atlas Shrugged in my free time. It’s incredibly long (over 60 hours of audio), and have been listening to it on and off for almost a year. One of my life goals is to finally finish this audiobook.

Podcasts I’m Listening to…

I tend to read more during the Summer, and listen to podcasts much less. Nonetheless, these are some of the podcasts I’ve been listening to:

HBR Ideacast: I don’t listen to every episode, but the Harvard Business Review’s Ideacast podcast always contains unique, thought provoking ideas. While mostly based around business, there are some interesting general ideas in there too.

How I Built This with Guy Raz: One of my favorite startup focused podcasts. Guy Raz is a great host, and many of the stories told by founders are incredible. A few episodes that stick out and are must listen toos: Instagram with Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Airbnb with Joe Gebbia, Whole Foods with John Mackey, and Vice News with Suroosh Alvi.

Habits I’m doing…

I’m a strong believer in the power of habits and there effect on our mental health. These are a few habits I’m trying to do regularly:

  1. Make my bed every morning
  2. Meditate at least 5 minutes everyday
  3. Some sort of exercise (pushups, pullups) within 30 minutes of waking up
  4. Morning Pages. I got this from the Artist’s Way. Every morning, I try to write at least 3 pages in a notebook. This ranges from journalish entries, crazy business ideas, philosophy, and whatever else crosses my mind every morning.

These habits I try to do a few times a week:

  1. Apnea Training: Basically training myself to hold my breath longer. I’ve gotten my trining to taking 4 second long breaths, holding for 16 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.
  2. Working out at the gym.

Foods I’m eating…

My current diet is pretty meat focused. I eat grilled chicken breast almost everyday, many times even twice a day. For carbs, I’ve been mostly eating white sweet potatoes and other grilled veggies. I like to throw in some salsa and half an avocado too.

I tend to miss breakfast because I’m lazy in the mornings. My next diet goal is to start eating breakfast more regularly.

Starbucks Order I’m getting…

Iced Coffee with low ice and a splash of almond milk. I use a reusable cup so it comes out to $2.81 for tall. Plus with the app, I get free refills. I’m a little ashamed of how much Starbucks I get.

Hey there, my name is Sebastian Patron, and I am passionate about technology, mental health, and design. I currently work as a Data Engineer Intern. In my free time I like to read, meditate, and flow ride.

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